/*!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Vegas - Fullscreen Backgrounds and Slideshows. * v2.1.3 - built 2015-04-28 * Licensed under the MIT License. * http://vegas.jaysalvat.com/ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Jay Salvat * http://jaysalvat.com/ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $(window).load(function() { setTimeout(function() { $('body').vegas({ slides: [ { src: 'img/Film_Factory_View.png', video: { src: [ 'video/moco.mp4', ], loop: true, mute: true }, }, ], // Delay beetween slides in milliseconds. delay: 5000, // Chose your transition effect (See the documentation provided in your download pack) transition: 'fade' }); }, 1); }); (function ($) { 'use strict'; var defaults = { slide: 0, delay: 5000, preload: false, preloadImage: false, preloadVideo: true, timer: true, overlay: false, autoplay: true, shuffle: false, cover: true, color: null, align: 'center', valign: 'center', transition: 'fade', transitionDuration: 3000, transitionRegister: [], animation: null, animationDuration: 'auto', animationRegister: [], init: function () {}, play: function () {}, pause: function () {}, walk: function () {}, slides: [ // { // src: null, // color: null, // delay: null, // align: null, // valign: null, // transition: null, // transitionDuration: null, // animation: null, // animationDuration: null, // cover: true, // video: { // src: [], // mute: true, // loop: true // } // ... ] }; var videoCache = {}; var Vegas = function (elmt, options) { this.elmt = elmt; this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, $.vegas.defaults, options); this.slide = this.settings.slide; this.total = this.settings.slides.length; this.noshow = this.total < 2; this.paused = !this.settings.autoplay || this.noshow; this.$elmt = $(elmt); this.$timer = null; this.$overlay = null; this.$slide = null; this.timeout = null; this.transitions = [ 'fade', 'fade2', 'blur', 'blur2', 'flash', 'flash2', 'negative', 'negative2', 'burn', 'burn2', 'slideLeft', 'slideLeft2', 'slideRight', 'slideRight2', 'slideUp', 'slideUp2', 'slideDown', 'slideDown2', 'zoomIn', 'zoomIn2', 'zoomOut', 'zoomOut2', 'swirlLeft', 'swirlLeft2', 'swirlRight', 'swirlRight2' ]; this.animations = [ 'kenburns', 'kenburnsLeft', 'kenburnsRight', 'kenburnsUp', 'kenburnsUpLeft', 'kenburnsUpRight', 'kenburnsDown', 'kenburnsDownLeft', 'kenburnsDownRight' ]; if (this.settings.transitionRegister instanceof Array === false) { this.settings.transitionRegister = [ this.settings.transitionRegister ]; } if (this.settings.animationRegister instanceof Array === false) { this.settings.animationRegister = [ this.settings.animationRegister ]; } this.transitions = this.transitions.concat(this.settings.transitionRegister); this.animations = this.animations.concat(this.settings.animationRegister); this.support = { objectFit: 'objectFit' in document.body.style, transition: 'transition' in document.body.style || 'WebkitTransition' in document.body.style, video: $.vegas.isVideoCompatible() }; if (this.settings.shuffle === true) { this.shuffle(); } this._init(); }; Vegas.prototype = { _init: function () { var $wrapper, $overlay, $timer, isBody = this.elmt.tagName === 'BODY', timer = this.settings.timer, overlay = this.settings.overlay, self = this; // Preloading this._preload(); // Wrapper with content if (!isBody) { this.$elmt.css('height', this.$elmt.css('height')); $wrapper = $('
') .css('overflow', this.$elmt.css('overflow')) .css('padding', this.$elmt.css('padding')); // Some browsers don't compute padding shorthand if (!this.$elmt.css('padding')) { $wrapper .css('padding-top', this.$elmt.css('padding-top')) .css('padding-bottom', this.$elmt.css('padding-bottom')) .css('padding-left', this.$elmt.css('padding-left')) .css('padding-right', this.$elmt.css('padding-right')); } this.$elmt.clone(true).children().appendTo($wrapper); this.elmt.innerHTML = ''; } // Timer if (timer && this.support.transition) { $timer = $('
'); this.$timer = $timer; this.$elmt.prepend($timer); } // Overlay if (overlay) { $overlay = $('
'); if (typeof overlay === 'string') { $overlay.css('background-image', 'url(' + overlay + ')'); } this.$overlay = $overlay; this.$elmt.prepend($overlay); } // Container this.$elmt.addClass('vegas-container'); if (!isBody) { this.$elmt.append($wrapper); } setTimeout(function () { self.trigger('init'); self._goto(self.slide); if (self.settings.autoplay) { self.trigger('play'); } }, 1); }, _preload: function () { var video, img, i; for (i = 0; i < this.settings.slides.length; i++) { if (this.settings.preload || this.settings.preloadImages) { if (this.settings.slides[i].src) { img = new Image(); img.src = this.settings.slides[i].src; } } if (this.settings.preload || this.settings.preloadVideos) { if (this.support.video && this.settings.slides[i].video) { if (this.settings.slides[i].video instanceof Array) { video = this._video(this.settings.slides[i].video); } else { video = this._video(this.settings.slides[i].video.src); } } } } }, _random: function (array) { return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * (array.length - 1))]; }, _slideShow: function () { var self = this; if (this.total > 1 && !this.paused && !this.noshow) { this.timeout = setTimeout(function () { self.next(); }, this._options('delay')); } }, _timer: function (state) { var self = this; clearTimeout(this.timeout); if (!this.$timer) { return; } this.$timer .removeClass('vegas-timer-running') .find('div') .css('transition-duration', '0ms'); if (this.paused || this.noshow) { return; } if (state) { setTimeout(function () { self.$timer .addClass('vegas-timer-running') .find('div') .css('transition-duration', self._options('delay') - 100 + 'ms'); }, 100); } }, _video: function (srcs) { var video, source, cacheKey = srcs.toString(); if (videoCache[cacheKey]) { return videoCache[cacheKey]; } if (srcs instanceof Array === false) { srcs = [ srcs ]; } video = document.createElement('video'); video.preload = true; srcs.forEach(function (src) { source = document.createElement('source'); source.src = src; video.appendChild(source); }); videoCache[cacheKey] = video; return video; }, _fadeOutSound: function (video, duration) { var self = this, delay = duration / 10, volume = video.volume - 0.09; if (volume > 0) { video.volume = volume; setTimeout(function () { self._fadeOutSound(video, duration); }, delay); } else { video.pause(); } }, _fadeInSound: function (video, duration) { var self = this, delay = duration / 10, volume = video.volume + 0.09; if (volume < 1) { video.volume = volume; setTimeout(function () { self._fadeInSound(video, duration); }, delay); } }, _options: function (key, i) { if (i === undefined) { i = this.slide; } if (this.settings.slides[i][key] !== undefined) { return this.settings.slides[i][key]; } return this.settings[key]; }, _goto: function (nb) { if (typeof this.settings.slides[nb] === 'undefined') { nb = 0; } this.slide = nb; var $slide, $inner, $video, $slides = this.$elmt.children('.vegas-slide'), src = this.settings.slides[nb].src, videoSettings = this.settings.slides[nb].video, delay = this._options('delay'), align = this._options('align'), valign = this._options('valign'), color = this._options('color') || this.$elmt.css('background-color'), cover = this._options('cover') ? 'cover' : 'contain', self = this, total = $slides.length, video, img; var transition = this._options('transition'), transitionDuration = this._options('transitionDuration'), animation = this._options('animation' ), animationDuration = this._options('animationDuration'); if (transition === 'random' || transition instanceof Array) { if (transition instanceof Array) { transition = this._random(transition); } else { transition = this._random(this.transitions); } } if (animation === 'random' || animation instanceof Array) { if (animation instanceof Array) { animation = this._random(animation); } else { animation = this._random(this.animations); } } if (transitionDuration === 'auto' || transitionDuration > delay) { transitionDuration = delay; } if (animationDuration === 'auto') { animationDuration = delay; } $slide = $('
'); if (this.support.transition && transition) { $slide.addClass('vegas-transition-' + transition); } // Video if (this.support.video && videoSettings) { if (videoSettings instanceof Array) { video = this._video(videoSettings); } else { video = this._video(videoSettings.src); } video.loop = videoSettings.loop !== undefined ? videoSettings.loop : true; video.muted = videoSettings.mute !== undefined ? videoSettings.mute : true; if (video.muted === false) { video.volume = 0; this._fadeInSound(video, transitionDuration); } else { video.pause(); } $video = $(video) .addClass('vegas-video') .css('background-color', color); if (this.support.objectFit) { $video .css('object-position', align + ' ' + valign) .css('object-fit', cover) .css('width', '100%') .css('height', '100%'); } else if (cover === 'contain') { $video .css('width', '100%') .css('height', '100%'); } $slide.append($video); // Image } else { img = new Image(); $inner = $('
') .css('background-image', 'url(' + src + ')') .css('background-color', color) .css('background-position', align + ' ' + valign) .css('background-size', cover); if (this.support.transition && animation) { $inner .addClass('vegas-animation-' + animation) .css('animation-duration', animationDuration + 'ms'); } $slide.append($inner); } if (!this.support.transition) { $slide.css('display', 'none'); } if (total) { $slides.eq(total - 1).after($slide); } else { this.$elmt.prepend($slide); } self._timer(false); function go () { self._timer(true); setTimeout(function () { if (transition) { if (self.support.transition) { $slides .css('transition', 'all ' + transitionDuration + 'ms') .addClass('vegas-transition-' + transition + '-out'); $slides.each(function () { var video = $slides.find('video').get(0); if (video) { video.volume = 1; self._fadeOutSound(video, transitionDuration); } }); $slide .css('transition', 'all ' + transitionDuration + 'ms') .addClass('vegas-transition-' + transition + '-in'); } else { $slide.fadeIn(transitionDuration); } } for (var i = 0; i < $slides.length - 4; i++) { $slides.eq(i).remove(); } self.trigger('walk'); self._slideShow(); }, 100); } if (video) { if (video.readyState === 4) { video.currentTime = 0; } video.play(); go(); } else { img.src = src; img.onload = go; } }, shuffle: function () { var temp, rand; for (var i = this.total - 1; i > 0; i--) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); temp = this.settings.slides[i]; this.settings.slides[i] = this.settings.slides[rand]; this.settings.slides[rand] = temp; } }, play: function () { if (this.paused) { this.paused = false; this.next(); this.trigger('play'); } }, pause: function () { this._timer(false); this.paused = true; this.trigger('pause'); }, toggle: function () { if (this.paused) { this.play(); } else { this.pause(); } }, playing: function () { return !this.paused && !this.noshow; }, current: function (advanced) { if (advanced) { return { slide: this.slide, data: this.settings.slides[this.slide] }; } return this.slide; }, jump: function (nb) { if (nb < 0 || nb > this.total - 1 || nb === this.slide) { return; } this.slide = nb; this._goto(this.slide); }, next: function () { this.slide++; if (this.slide >= this.total) { this.slide = 0; } this._goto(this.slide); }, previous: function () { this.slide--; if (this.slide < 0) { this.slide = this.total - 1; } this._goto(this.slide); }, trigger: function (fn) { var params = []; if (fn === 'init') { params = [ this.settings ]; } else { params = [ this.slide, this.settings.slides[this.slide] ]; } this.$elmt.trigger('vegas' + fn, params); if (typeof this.settings[fn] === 'function') { this.settings[fn].apply(this.$elmt, params); } }, options: function (key, value) { var oldSlides = this.settings.slides.slice(); if (typeof key === 'object') { this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, $.vegas.defaults, key); } else if (typeof key === 'string') { if (value === undefined) { return this.settings[key]; } this.settings[key] = value; } else { return this.settings; } // In case slides have changed if (this.settings.slides !== oldSlides) { this.total = this.settings.slides.length; this.noshow = this.total < 2; this._preload(); } }, destroy: function () { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.$elmt.removeClass('vegas-container'); this.$elmt.find('> .vegas-slide').remove(); this.$elmt.find('> .vegas-wrapper').clone(true).children().appendTo(this.$elmt); this.$elmt.find('> .vegas-wrapper').remove(); if (this.settings.timer) { this.$timer.remove(); } if (this.settings.overlay) { this.$overlay.remove(); } this.elmt._vegas = null; } }; $.fn.vegas = function(options) { var args = arguments, error = false, returns; if (options === undefined || typeof options === 'object') { return this.each(function () { if (!this._vegas) { this._vegas = new Vegas(this, options); } }); } else if (typeof options === 'string') { this.each(function () { var instance = this._vegas; if (!instance) { throw new Error('No Vegas applied to this element.'); } if (typeof instance[options] === 'function' && options[0] !== '_') { returns = instance[options].apply(instance, [].slice.call(args, 1)); } else { error = true; } }); if (error) { throw new Error('No method "' + options + '" in Vegas.'); } return returns !== undefined ? returns : this; } }; $.vegas = {}; $.vegas.defaults = defaults; $.vegas.isVideoCompatible = function () { return !/(Android|webOS|Phone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|Windows Phone)/i.test(navigator.userAgent); }; })(window.jQuery || window.Zepto);